Hexalobular socket pan head screws half thread torx screw

SEMS combines two normally seperate parts-typically a screw and a washer- into one permanently pre-assembled cost saving component.
Washers are hel in place under the screw head by the rolled threads;they will not fall off and are free to rotate.
* Speeds: production by eliminating hand assembly at the work station
* Permanent: Capturing of washer insures that it will never come off or be left off your assembly
* Adapts easily to automated feeding devices and driving tools
* Available in any combination of screw type, head style, washer and thread configuration
* Production Range: M2.5 (#2) ~ M 12 ~ (1/2". Length: 4mm (5/32") ~ 160mm (6")
* ISO 9001 ISO 14001 certificated manufacturer & exporter